Modified 7/21/2024 by Admin

League Highlights (Marks earned)

24SPR Highlights yes Wk1  Wk2  Wk3 Wk4  Wk5
Wk6  Wk7 Wk8  Wk9

Highlight thresholds per level:
       AA    9mk    180    6B
       A       7mk    140    5B
       B       6mk    120    4B
       C       5mk    100    3B

Total Marks earned (9Mk & T80) are current and can be viewed using the links below. 
(The "Thru-date" is now always the same as the most recent Highlights week posted above.)
NOTE: Click the Filter icon (then Add condition) at the top of the view to search your name.
     Lookup Total Marks earned by player
     Lookup Milestones (25, 50 & 100 of  9Mk/T80)


Sportsmanship  yes

Please make sure that you are always playing with good sportsmanship.  Keep smoke breaks to a minimum and make sure you are not doing things that will delay the match.  We all love the game, and we all want to win.  Always make sure that you both win and lose with the same sportsmanship and respect that you would like to have other players show you.

Refer to Rules of Etiquette document (which is a part of the WADA Rules).